This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good ...
The Imitation Game (2014) Download Movie
Cumberbatch is moviedom's man of the moment, and with this painfully human performance, the actor who has specialized in difficult geniuses finally cracks the code of compassion.. It's a film about drive, about imagination, and how brilliance thrives outside the mainstream. These are common enough themes given uncommon purchase in a film about a man who likely saved millions of lives by never fitting in.. We go into a movie knowing that the subject was as genius or a hero, a martyr or titan. We ...
Malena (2000) Download Movie
Not for decades has Italian film offered a presence so sexy and mythic as Bellucci.. I felt like these characters were prototypes and not people.. Its heart is in the right place.. . [Bellucci] has presence, maybe even talent, but you wish that Malena's inner life had been given as much accent as her outer charms.. Defiance may lack the sort of emotional punch that sticks, but its story of courage and responsibility is undeniably compelling.. The way Zwick force-feeds his audience emotion become...
The Front Line (2011) Download Movie
The heart of the film is so strong that its images of love and devotion shared by wives and husbands on the edge of an abyss remain indelibly etched in one's memory.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, really worth to watch.. The lack of a streamlined narrative and reliance on manipulative devices turn a story of stark significance into a middling melodrama.. A war movie not quite worth engaging.. A potent anti-war movie with breathtaking battle sequences.. A masterpiece of genre film-making, r...
Essential Killing (2010) Online Streaming
Under the guise of current events, Skolimowski artfully conjures an elemental archetype of human life itself. In English, Polish, and Arabic.. The movie deftly shifts from its initial chase thriller mode to a grueling, offbeat tale of human survival.. View it as an existential thriller illustrating how violence begets violence.. Delivering an absolute minimum of context, the film dares us to forge our own reasons for rooting for or despising this savage.. Stripped of its political vestments, Ess...
I'll Remember April (2001) Online Streaming
I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. I recommend this movie to everyone out there want to see an epic action movie that delivers to every sense of the word and I'm not WHO Easily could be convinced with good action no matter how big and famous. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear myself away from the scree...
Good (2008) Download Movie
There are some striking locations and certainly the era continues to fascinate audiences (and, particularly this year, filmmakers). Too bad, then, that this is such a disappointment -- awkwardly directed and flatly scripted.. A subtle and quietly devastating film directed by Vicente Amorim from John Wrathall's delicately written adaptation of a play by C.P. Taylor.. A really terrible movie based on what I imagine was a far more interesting 1981 play.. Good is pretty schematic — betraying i...